Monday 21 February 2011

What the hell is wrong with my foot?

My foot still hurt all day today, very painful to walk on. It looks absolutely fine, but there's a spot on the left side that is hideously painful if I put any pressure on it. It got bad enough that I saw the doctor this evening after work and he wasn't sure what it is. He prescribed me some anti-inflammatories and to go back if it didn't go away.

Work was a bit hellish after my week off, but cleared down quite a lot of stuff. Tomorrow I'm involved in the new server and stuff for the backup system, should be fun if my foot is still playing up.

Car goes in tomorrow for the brakes. Normally I'd drop it at the garage and walk back up to the top of town to the office, but fortunately I'm getting a lift to Ruthin from a colleague.

Watched BeetleJuice this evening, another film that caused gasps of horror when I said I hadn't seen it. Was a bit underwhelmed to be honest. After that did a bit more ME1 which is standing up very well to a replay, primarily because I can make different decisions and see how they play out. Still equal in terms of paragon and renegade points though, oddly.

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