Friday 4 February 2011


Didn't sleep last night, possibly due to large amounts of food consumed. Result was about three hours sleep resulting in feeling like a zombie all day.

It's stupidly windy today, hasn't let up at all.

Workload still crap in work. Had some help of a colleague today to try and get some jobs out of the way which was good but it's still out of hand. I can't stop worrying about it now and all I seem to get all the time is hassle from people asking why stuff hasn't been done.

HP DV7 now has docking station with a real HP power supply, which allows it to be connected to the amp with SP/DIF. Not quite configured right yet. Windows can output surround sound but the media player didn't want to for whatever reason.

Went to pub to watch rugby this evening but felt so tired that I couldn't cope with the noise and excitement so came home at half-time. Feel absolutely fucked but not sleepy. Can't stop thinking about stuff, including work.

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