Tuesday 1 May 2012


Not a particularly good day at work. Someone managed to accidentally backup an extra 800gb of data overnight, so it threw off all the processes and led to something of a nightmare. It wouldn't have been an issue except the 800gb was not actual data, it was just crap to take up space.

D&D was great fun today, a riverside encounter which involved much strategy and problems with horeses, which was finished by me riding my horse up a vertical cliff face to the astonishment of the poor guy I then decimated with one of my most powerful attacks. It was really good fun all round though and this time we were really open to trying new things - like before an attack, offering the enemy a chance to surrender, etc. It didn't work, but hey, we tried.

Downloaded the new Eisbrecher album yesterday, and picked up the E Nomine best of as well. Eisbrecher were as good as always, while E Nomine is something new. Basically it's a mix of orchestral chanting type stuff overlaid onto techno, with sometimes a hint of metal. In German. It's pretty weird stuff but very good.

Not much else to report really, it's been a quiet couple of days.

Thought I was coming down with something today but it came and went. I think initially it was because someone cleaned a whiteboard with horrible stuff that seemed to trigger a reaction, but also my wisdom teeth are playing up so I think that's affecting my ears. Bah. I don't feel too bad otherwise.

I've been lent Skyrim, which should be interesting as I've heard a lot of good stuff but ummed and aaahed about it rather a lot. So it'll be fun to try it out anyway.

In a moment of weirdness I picked up a mandolin, this time an electric one that's like a mini Telecaster. It looks and sounds OK but I think it is jinxed. My Mum managed to set the parcel on fire and only just rescue it in time so it stinks of burning and when I was setting it up, one of the strings snapped so I've already had to order a new set. Bah.

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