Sunday 1 July 2012

New shower

Yesterday I went to my Dad's, bike in tow, to have a look it. I got some crud catchers which fitted on easily enough, but we couldn't make head nor tail of the damned derailleur. We read up on it, but we just couldn't get it to not slip between gears. Annoying. After that we watched the prologue stage of the Tour de France, which was interesting.

We couldn't due the usual Alwen trip today as there was a race on around it, so Rob and I went to the Brenig and did the trip from the rear car park to the visitor centre and back. It was not the best weather and we got rained on a fair bit, and the track was made into a kind of sheep shit slalom, making me very glad I'd put the crud catchers on, which rapidly lived up to their name. But it was nice to stop at the visitor centre and have a nice coffee and hot chocolate before heading back to the cars. The gears were a pain though, unless it was on the top or bottom rear cog it just kept randomly slipping between cogs, so it was pick a gear and hope.

The new shower is finally plumbed in and sort of working, but thanks to our low pressure water system, getting warm water out of it is a keen balancing act requiring delicate manipulation of the tap. Also had a nice bonfire of a load of crap the work on the shower has generated, which is always fun.

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