Thursday 1 November 2012

Fuck it all

Today in work was not much better. Got moaned at for bringing a cup of hot water to my desk and putting a teabag in it since I've been drinking the occasional cup of Earl Grey or Chai instead of my usual squash. I've never wanted to be involved in a tea rota since my last job because it's never right, too hot, too cold, too strong, too weak, too milky, too much sugar, in the wrong cup, etc. Also the guy I've been covering for came in to visit and while it was nice to see him, he managed to leave me feeling that a lot of the stuff I've been doing is wrong, so that didn't help. I don't know why I fucking bother, should have just left the fucking things to crash and burn.

Badminton should have improved my mood after a nice meal and chat round at Steve's but then we found that the horrible hag had brought her moron friend again who seems to be completely unable to grasp even the most basic rules of badminton even after being told several times. And complains about various aches and pains which are of course in no way related to her being morbidly obese. That's probably cruel but right now I don't give a fuck.

So the week gets shitter and shitter really. I'm just counting down the days until I go to Berlin next Tuesday and get away from the work clusterfuck for nearly two weeks.

Generally fucked off with the world. Sometimes living in a rural area like this can be monumentally shit and hateful and catastrophically lonely.

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