Friday 28 December 2007

I feel like shite

It's stupid o'clock. I feel like utter shite, full of snot, lightheaded and pounding head of pain. Why is this cold dragging on so? Also the Idiot Hound is on my bed, but I don't really mind. He may be an angular and pointy presence, but he's keeping my feet warm. Life would be easier in many ways if he was a whippet and half the size but he can't help his birth. Wouldn't change him for anything.

Pakistan is about to explode according to the BBC. I have a bad feeling about this.

Fecking colds. And no you silly iPod, I did mean fecking. Yet if I type decking, you prompt for fecking!!!! Should stop now, talking to your devices is probably a bad sign. Right, iPod?



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