Wednesday 12 December 2007

Hurtling through cake and space

Safari just crashed on the Touch. It does this quite frequently. Not really an issue unless you're writing a blog post...

Not much to report. My faithful Nokia 7610 has started to have issues with the keypad, which combined with the rapidly dying battery have led me to hunt for a suitable replacement. Steps have already been taken and I'll update when appropriate. No, it's not a iPhone. The issue I have is how to move the 580 notes that are held in the Notes program to the new device. I did move the notepad.dat file to the 7610 from my N-gage but they ran the same version of the OS.

Work do tomorrow and it's fancy dress. I'm going as someone from the background of the Terminator who coincidentally looks just like me in my normal clothes...
Low battery, better publish this now!

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