Thursday 20 December 2007


Today was a boring day other than building a rather lovely Dell Precision laptop for a CAD user. It had a 15" 1680x1050 screen which was one of the most beautifully clear and sharp screens I've ever seen.

While I was in Woolies picking up some stuff for Christmas, I came across a small Optimus Prime figure for £3, so I thought I'd get it. It's actually quite cool even if it is from the movie. The best one has to be the Masterpiece Optimus Prime. My colleague has one and it looks perfect in both robot and truck mode, and every single joint is articulated, even the fingers. It does cost about £90 though.

Mario Galaxy has crossed the line where it becomes so hard it's not fun any more. I sold Arsearsein's Creed to someone in work because I hate it utterly. Not doing so well with the gaming at the moment.

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