Monday 17 December 2007


Not sure why, but I'm sick of Christmas this year. Perhaps it's the constant stream of desperate requests for Wiis and DSs on the work noticeboard from people eager not to disappoint their children, and the near total commercialisation of a religious holiday which has lost it's meaning to most people. Not that I ever gave a toss about that side of it. I remember thinking in primary school when we had to do the nativity play that it was a load of nonsense, which is a bit weird really. Lifelong cynic, I guess.

I remember having great Christmases at a friend's house when we were quite young. His mother is German, so there was a strong influence from her on it. They opened their presents on Christmas Eve, had an enormous tree with real chocolates hanging off it, and there was always a massive gingerbread house covered in sweets. Awesome. It always seemed more homely somehow than the traditional Christmas at home. Oh well.

Experimented with Blender today. It's a free 3D program that is very powerful but I find totally incomprehensible. I'm working through the tutorials though and some of it is starting to make sense.

First day of work with the N93. It's big but does fit OK in my pocket with my work phone. The torch function of the flash LED comes in useful.

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