Sunday 9 December 2007

Play-doh, poker and chocolate orange cake

Will and I met up with Rob and Em, before taking a trip into town. The goal? To buy some Play-doh and some poker chips. The reasoning for the Play-doh? Being avid and vigorous Pictionary fans, the concept of Rapidough appealed where instead of drawing, you model with clay. However, rather than drop £25 on the actual game, we reasoned that a £5 tub of Play-doh would be more fun. We also got a nice set of poker chips for cheap as well.

Upon return to Rob and Em's house, Rob spent some time teaching myself, Will and later Vicky to play poker. It was actually really good fun, though I can see how it would be difficult to become a true master of it. This was followed by a session of Play-doh madness. Basically we took it in turns to suggest something and the other four would have to model it. Perhaps the most hilarious were an angel, Concorde, a tractor, Stephen Hawking and a lifelike penis. The Play-doh had that typical marzipan-like smell.

This was followed by epic pizza, more poker and a game of Cheat, which was mainly to laugh at Will who is notoriously bad at that game.

Em also made a marbled Chocolate Orange cake, which was absolutely amazing.

Slightly incoherent, but it's late. What a great day though.

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