Sunday 9 December 2007

A sad and lonely day

It was a strange day today. I didn't do all that much. The weather was crappy in the morning so I just read books and lounged around. After lunch it looked a little better, so I took the dog for a walk. It was quite eventful, we met three people on horses, yet another uncontrolled dog, and some gimp on a dirt bike who couldn't get the thing moving without stalling. It took him about 20 tries. Quite funny.

After that, listened to some music and tried to play Mario Galaxy. However the toughness to fun ratio has increased dramatically and I got angry and turned it off. I did however play with the Mii Contest Channel, which is fun. I've submitted a Mii for the new competition 'Someone stuck in the 70's'. Also had a look at the top Miis of the day and found there were two with penises on their face and one with breasts. Oh dear.

Also experimented with the free VMWare server and now I have a fully working activated Windows XP virtual machine. It seems to run quite nicely. Perhaps not as quick as it would on the actual hardware, but certainly well enough. To help with speed, I put the machine on a separate hard drive from the real OS, which may help.

So yeah, a geeky and also slightly depressing day, for reasons I can't really fathom.

Work tomorrow. Bah.

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