Wednesday 12 March 2008

Cars and why I hate them, reprieve

Weekend was good, Saturday consisted of a rugby, food, drink and play-doh fest at Rob and Em's with Will and Vicky which was excellent fun. We all crashed over at Rob's and then we went for a big breakfast at a nearby cafe. All good stuff. The rest of Sunday was taken quite casually, just watching the first Indiana Jones film in preparation for the fourth one coming out.

I've seen a few cars for sale. One was an L-reg Peugeot 106 1.4 diesel but that didn't seem quite right and sold immediately anyway. I'd rather get something that isn't quite so synonymous with boy racers. There's a place nearby that has a few cars for £500 or so and I'm going to have a look there on Friday as I forgot I'd booked Friday and Monday as holiday - hurrah!

The Discovery started making the occasional graunching noise when going round right hand bends and I found the exhaust seems to be hanging down and fouling the rear axle. But as it's going on Ebay any minute now I can't be bothered looking at it. Also the gearbox is starting to crunch into 1st and 2nd when cold and to be quite honest, I'll be glad to see it go. It's been a good two years, but I've had enough of the sheer costs involved of running the thing, and diesel has gone up to £1.12 in the local Morrisons.

But then my Mum's car made a strange noise so she took it to the garage. They found the rear wheel was about to fall off and was rubbing on the body. This combined with the new steering rack it needs, would cost over £1000 - just not worth repairing. So she's got her eye on a 52-reg Berlingo.

So there we have it.

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