Monday 3 March 2008

If it bleeds, we can kill it

My admission last Friday in work that I had never seen Predator caused much outrage and disbelief. I don't know why I'd never seen it. So a guy brought both Predator 1 and 2 in on DVD. I've just watched Predator and thought it was really good, also I was really impressed with the effects considering it's 21 years old. Also it was made when Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't all that annoying.

Not sure about watching the sequel, not heard good things and then they went and made AVP which pretty much ruined both Alien and Predator.

It snowed while I was watching the film. There's actually quite a lot of it, but it's slushy and melty already. Typical that it would snow when I'm quite anxious to get rid of the Discovery.

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