Thursday 29 May 2008


Most annoying drive home ever. I went the quicker way along the main road rather than my usual scenic route through the village. Today proved why I don't usually go that way.

First I was nearly hit head on by someone driving a Mitsubishi Delica, one of those stupid Japanese 4x4 people carriers, who obviously thought that because he was bigger than me, he could ignore the rights of way and just force me to stop dead without any warning.

Then I was followed most of the way by a tailgating git in a black Astra who clearly thought he was God's gift to driving. He was cutting corners and generally being stupid, even nearly being hit head on by a TVR didn't stop him. This was particularly annoying as I know the road so well I can jolly the AX along at a good pace without reaching it's limits so there was no reason to tailgate.

Then on the single track road I turned off onto I was following someone and we met a woman in a blue VW Beetle (the ugly new one).

Despite there being two of us and one of her, she utterly refused to even try to reverse to a layby mere metres behind her and so the car in front of me wedged itself into a layby next to us. No room for me as there was a car already parked in it so I reversed about 50 metres up the road to the next one. Eventually the woman in the Beetle drove past without even acknowledging my existence or the fact I'd reversed all that way for her, which annoyed me a little.

I've seen her and her boyfriend/husband/toyboy/whatever around and they have an expensive house, the supposedly trendy Beetle, and a ridiculous unruly long haired dachshund that thinks it can take on a greyhound. I usually like dachshunds but that one is a little untrained vicious monster. Because of this I've never got close enough to speak to them in case it attacks the hound's ankles.

This is why I usually go the scenic route through the village. It's slower and the roads are narrow but there's much less traffic on it and this hardly ever happens.

Help Firefox 3 set a new record.

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