Thursday 8 May 2008


Badminton was OK. The Hideous One was there and I was forced to play with her twice. The second time she pulled a nasty face when she realised she was stuck with me again. What a cow.

Someone took the piss out of my car yesterday. I was topping up the oil, which I always do in work because it's basically the only time it's parked on a level surface for any length of time. Anyway this guy's car was parked next to mine and he came along as I was pouring oil in. He says 'I think it's time for a new motor'. My reply was 'I'm just topping up the oil', whereupon he just harrumphed in a genuinely patronising way and drove off in his own car. Next time he logs a helpdesk call it's going straight to the bottom of the list.

In 1 day, 11 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds (or thereabouts) I will be 30.


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