Saturday 17 May 2008

Java (inspired by testing software at my last job)

1) And the vast voice spoke, tinged with doom and dread: 'Null Pointer Exception'. And the crowds shuddered and cried.

2) A great shout went up and as one they wailed ' It is true! Now our fate is sealed!"

3) The crowd cowered once more as the voice continued: 'Illegal State Exception.' And the Java process could not be killed by any mortal man.

4) The cowards amongst them proclaimed "This Java shall surely be the end of all things! It truly is the end of days!", The stupid amongst them turned their faces and voices to heaven seeking answers. The wise remained quiet, knowing that the only fate that awaited them was to perish with dignity.

5) Again and again, they tried to kill the Java, but there was no succeeding. It was not even aware of their pathetic attempts to kill it. The voice spoke again 'NoSuchRecordException' and several oddities were noticed in the obscure and mysterious Log Files.

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