Saturday 24 May 2008

A warm day

It was certainly rather sunny today. Rather than spent the morning in bed I thought I'd go and see if any car boot sales were on. There's usually one at a racetrack near Rhyl and it was particularly large today. It had a lot of proper car boot stuff rather than the usual tons of market stalls selling tat. Didn't get anything though except for a Motorola V3i. It's the one phone that came close to tempting me away from Nokia simply due to the hardware design. Oh, and one guy was selling an iPhone for £240. At a car boot sale. I mean, who is going to buy an iPhone from a car boot sale? Maybe in a few years when the craze has ended.

Although the V3i design still looks good four years after the original model came out, this is one of the remarkably tasteless Dolce & Gabbana limited editions. Apart from the gaudy gold colour, it also has the special D&G firmware so when it's turned on and off a scary voice growls 'Dolce Gabbana' very loudly.

Basically I got it because it was cheap (because it's very battered and worn) and I thought it would be interesting to compare to Nokia. It must be said that the design is really good. It's really thin and light but doesn't feel too fragile. The display is nice and the thing has a surprisingly powerful speaker and vibration motor. I keep looking at it and wondering how they were able to cram it all in. I can see why this phone was so insanely popular in it's time, to the point where it was called the iPod of the phone world.

The software is a bit crappy compared to the Nokia Series 60 platform, and why can't they standardise which is the space button? Nokia has it on 0, Sony Ericcsons have it on # and this has it on *. Also the predictive text and general use of messaging is awkward.

Also got a 2gb card for the N93 the other day as I did a bit of resaerch and found out which was the recommended model (Sandisk Ultra II), as the N93 is apparently picky about memory cards. It's been fine so far with this one. It was just £12.

I went through a phase a couple of years ago of collecting Nokia phones. As a result I have a shitload of them, none of which ever really worked. They are about to be packed up and given to one of the people in work is collecting them for schools so they can recycle them. In fact I've been through a lot of phases, hence the sheer amount of crap I have which I'm now trying to get rid of.

Took the dog for a walk in the sun, which was good, and saw the people down the road who recently rescued a red setter. It was neglected to the point where half it's tail went rotten and dropped off. The poor thing is still a bit underweight but is looking much better and seems quite happy considering.

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