Friday 21 October 2011


Did some more stuff in Dragon Age. Got straight back into it, goodness knows why I haven't played since about July. I really like it, although really I prefer the sci-fi setting of Mass Effect.

The poor old dog seems to have been traumatised by an evil fly or something since he won't settle down unless I let him crash on my bed. Silly boy. It was his 9th birthday yesterday, unreal.

Think I've reverted back to a materialistic state of mind, keep having silly ideas, like replacing my home built guitars with a decent one and starting a new bass project. Not good. If anything I need to get more stuff listed on Ebay.

The 306 knocking could be caused by worn shock absorber bushes but that means replacing the shocks. I hope it isn't too much. Given the punishment it takes on the track, I think it is worth doing, and getting the suspension checked out in general.

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