Friday 28 October 2011

Mr Blobby

Well, this week has been catastrophic, return of shit food, Coke, and no exercise. Not good.

I didn't go to badminton last night as I took my Mum to see Reginald D Hunter in Venue Cymru. I'd never heard of him before and was slightly bewildered as to why my Mum wanted to see him. He was supported by an astonishingly crude Australian guy who would have been funny for about five minutes, but after thirty minutes his constant use of the word 'fuck' as near punctuation did get a bit wearing. The main act was OK, he has some funny material, even if he did have some curious reverse racism going on, and rather a lot of toilet humour. At the end though, he went off into some sort of rant about how the government and corporations are using the media to keep men and women scared and desperate to control them. I could see his point but it was presented in a strange way that was really offputting. I've seen this kind of attitude before and it was similarly disturbing.

No real progress in work. Tired of the backup system. I like it but hate the stupid issues with it.

Was hoping to do the gym this evening but failed, utterly. I felt tired due to the late night last night, which I suppose is fair enough but it was embarrassing as I went to Morrisons and was caught by both Andy and someone from work with mini pork pies, peanuts and a can of Jack Daniels Coke. I only get the JD stuff because the taste reminds me instantly of Berlin, usually regret it after though.

The guitar stuff I listed on Ebay nearly all sold, which is good.

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