Wednesday 16 May 2012


An average day in work. Still working on tape movement. Not sure if getting anywhere.

Found that the Astra will take a bike with the seats down and the front wheel off, which is good news. The Puch is going to Nigel in work as it's too big for me and he wants a retro project. Still stuck with the CD player at the moment which I wouldn't mind, but it seems reluctant to eject the CD I put it in it the other day, and I'm bored of the CD already.

Fired up the Xbox this evening but everything I put in I couldn't be arsed with. I did however boot up ME3 and delete my most recent playthroughs. Put in Skyrim, but I just went 'meh' and turned it off again, wasn't in the mood. I really hate the new dashboard. I resent that of the five options on each of the screens, three are set aside for advertising, even the large one in the middle. The options that are directly relevant to me are left to one side. Given that Xbox Live isn't free, I think it's quite a cheek to have adverts on there at all. Apparently it's possible to block them using router settings but that's not the point. It makes me miss the original dashboard with the flippy tabs that felt so much faster.

After dismantling a laptop in work to replace the serial port, twice as we bent a pin, I realised it's been too long since I had a proper project laptop. So I've picked up a Dell Studio 1735 with a damaged lid. Should be interesting to get it up and running again.

Minecraft is out on the Xbox. I've been aware of it for some time and saw the full scale Enterprise D that someone made in it. It was quite impressive as it made you realise the true scale of the ship. Otherwise, I don't quite get the appeal of it. I did try the Android version on my phone but it just didn't grab me.

Although this is very funny:

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