Monday 21 May 2012


Work was much the same again, but made worse by I think hayfever. I woke up in the night with a clogged nose and spent much of the day sneezing, snotting and with itchy eyes. Hopefully it'll go away. It has been really hot today so perhaps it's just a sudden pollen rush.

The car had a bit of a temperature wobble last night so I checked the coolant this morning and it was low, so I topped it up again. Need to keep an eye on that. It was warm enough today for me to conclude that the aircon doesn't actually work unfortunately. Oh well. Started up the Prelude and took it down the track and back to make sure it was OK. It feels pretty strange after a week of the Astra though. Not sure what to do about getting rid of it - might just take it to the car auctions and be done with it.

The Studio 1735 arrived. Other than a seriously busted left hinge and a lack of hard drives, it seems to work quite happily. I've booted it up off an Ubuntu live CD and I'm actually tying this on it at the moment. The damage seems to be confined to the lid rather than the chassis so hopefully it should be easy enough to fix it up. It also has a nice design where the entire underside comes off and all the parts are easily accessible.

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