Wednesday 23 May 2012

Handheld fun

Work was OK today. The weather has again been amazing. After some experimentation I think the aircon in the Astra does work, just not all that well.

Have been experimenting with a Sony Vaio UX. It's one of the UMPCs that were briefly trendy a few years ago and was probably the best one of the lot. They have 1.3ghz Core Solo processors, and mine has 1gb RAM and came with a 60gb 1.8" SSD. I quickly replaced it with the 32gb SSD from the Vaio P that came back, and set it up with Windows 7. It's a surprisingly snappy little machine, with very good performance compared to the dreadful Atom in the Vaio P.

It's taken some time to get the devices set up and working fully, but I've mostly got there. The build quality and design really is top notch. I don't rate Sony laptops at all mostly, but the high-end and quirky stuff they do is usually pretty good. Given that the UX range cost something like £2000 when it was new, you'd expect it to be nicely built. Nothing depreciates like high-end unusual computers though, so you can get them for a tiny fraction of that now.

I still need to have another look at the Studio 1735, get a hard drive installed and tested, and regunk the heatsinks with a decent thermal paste. That can wait until I've sourced a hard drive caddy for it however.

It's good to be actually doing something again, even if it's not all that productive. Now, if only I can get some actual exercise going, that would be even better. Currently thinking about walking the dog before work, but not sure.

Going to give Skyrim back to Steve in work. I enjoyed what I saw of it, but after spending months with Mass Effect and other games on the Xbox, I think it's time I spent some time doing other things, even if it that is just faffing around with computers. I won't dismiss Skyrim completely, but it's not for me right now.

Was having a shave and had a slip, so the goatee is gone again. When this happens I realise I look a lot younger without it because there's now quite a lot of grey in it, but it makes shaving so much easier when it's there. Oh well.

Still haven't logged my caches from Saturday, must get to it.

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