Monday 28 May 2012


Yesterday was good. Rob, Em, Steve and I met up at the Alwen to go around it. Steve would be running with the rest of us on bikes. It's been a while since I have done any major exercise like that so it was quite hard in places, and there was no way I could cycle up the ghastly hill at the far end. Steve finshed before us though. It was good fun though, really enjoyed it. The rest of the day was spent mostly inside hiding from the sun as I got a little burnt.

Today was a meh day in work. My experiment in tape movements over the weekend did work, but didn't sort out as many tapes as I'd hoped, but it was a good start. Also at last went over some retention policies so hopefully some of that can be sorted out too. I also managed to go the whole day in work without going to the horrible vending machine, which is a good start.

Had a nice geeky evening fooling around with computers again. I should have done some exercise, but I didn't get around to it. I'm still thinking of better ways to incorporate exercise into my routine.

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