I got a new phone in work. It's a Nokia 5410i. It's a continuation of the rugged line they've done for a while now, aimed at the active outdoor type. The manual is full of athletic individuals using the phone in various unlikely ways. As you'd expect it has a rubbery solid case and various features. The most bizarre being a spirit level on the face of the phone. It has a tiny bubble so you can hold the phone flat. The reason to do this? So the built in compass can work well. Yes, it has a compass. It actually works quite well, though Nokia say not to depend on it, so they don't get sued when someone walks off the side of Snowdon and blames the phone. Other features include a DREADFUL camera, a sound meter and a thermometer which is utterly useless.
Other noteworthy events - urm. Not a specially scintillating day, but at least I was more cheerful today. Annoyingly there was something but I can't remember what it was.
Someone left a comment in my last entry saying 'I like your blog, mine's similar, take a look'. OK, my blog is about video games, computers, guitars and various other uninteresting things. Their blog is basically piccies of women with their breasts out. Perhaps it's me, but I don't see the connection.
This is a an article about love on World of Warcraft. It's very funny.
Part 1
Part 2
And here's a woman willing to go that little bit further for a Flying Epic Mount.
This is what some person thought of the 5410i. Wow.
" i got dis fone afta ma samsung e310 broke it wernt da bst fone in da world but it woz much betta dan dis fone da only reeson im r8in it 2 stars is coz it haz a radio wich iz ok and da rubery case so weneva i drop it it dnt brke n it dnt scrach wich is gd coz i drop al ma fones a lot even if i reeli lyk em! i obviusly dnt meen 2. if i buy a fone it has 2 hav a good camera but dis 1 has da worst camera iv ever seen and it only holds 20 pics!!! but i dint reeli hav a chois. so if u lookin 4 a fone i wood advise u not 2 buy it !! x x x x x x "
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