Monday 7 May 2007

Yet more Crackdown, Aliens and a rather hurried walk

Today was a spectacular success. I set out to achieve absolutely nothing and succeeded brilliantly. Actually that's a bit of a lie. I was joined by Will for a co-op game of Crackdown where we honed our driving skills by repeatedly running over gang members, with the result that we both have maxed out driving skills. It makes the Agency vehicles much more fun, especially the nitro-powered Truck which doesn't stop for ANYTHING.

Apart from that, I watched Aliens, which I haven't seen for a while. It's such a good film. I own the first DVD boxset they made of all four films, but I think I've only watched the 3rd and 4th films once each, while I've seen the first two lots of times.

Took the dog out for the usual walk, which was proceeding uneventfully until I suddenly and unexpectedly needed a...well, you can guess. I was about half way round and I couldn't run in case it made it worse, so it became a sort of urgent, hurried power walk. The poor dog was most surprised at not being able to sniff and pee as he usually does. It was possibly the longest 30 minutes of my life.

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