Thursday 23 February 2012

Effect of Mass

It was great to not have to go to work today. It was a really nice day, but other than taking the dog out for some runs in the field, I didn't do much as I wanted to let my knee have a good proper rest.

Other than that I completed Mass Effect again. This time it took me 22 hours and I got up to level 51, which is good going. I think it's because I realised you get loads more XP if you get out of the tank on planets and kill things on foot rather than using the cannon or running them over. Also I found a side mission that I'd never seen before, and a couple of other things. It might be a little glitchy in places like the texture popup and stuff, but it's such a good game. Now to start ME2...

The PS Vita is out. I think from a hardware point of view it looks pretty good, 5" OLED touch screen, quad-core CPU, dual analogue sticks, etc. Shame that Sony went full-retard again and made it use a non-standard connector for power and a proprietary expensive memory card - a 16gb one is £40 compared to a 16gb SD card which is £10. Oh well. I think in the days of cheap £1 games for smartphones both the Vita and the 3DS will probably struggle to have anything like the success of the older systems.

Other than that, not much to report. The Prelude is still going OK.

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