Friday 17 February 2012


Went in today to find that while the upgraded machine had rebooted to a login prompt, nothing actually worked. I think the remote management software timed out, causing the server to lose connection to my laptop's CD drive. Oh well. I tried it again today and hopefully this time it'll work. My supervisor on helpdesk has started sending out little quizes about the Discworld. I aced the first one but then it suddenly got hard. Oh well.

Got home and had fat food. Guilty now. Then I watched The Fast and the Furious for no reason except it's entertaining in a completely stupid way. I'm sure that to car enthusiasts it's the equivalent of me watching Hackers. I remember someone told me when it first came out that I looked like Vin Diesel, which at the time I thought rather unlikely. Perhaps when I was a little thinner, but definitely not now.

I thought my knee was getting better but today it's still painful. I'm a bit bothered about it now, but I think it just needs a day of rest. Or I need a walking stick or something. Bah. My left knee is hurting too now, probably because of the extra stress from hobbling around.

Got the weekend to look forward to with Steve's birthday meal on Sunday evening and then two three day weeks, yay.

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