I did however rediscover the delights of 'Killing in the Name' by Rage Against the Machine. What a great track that is. It happened to come on in the car on the Shuffle on the way to work. I was quite enjoying it until the Shuffle went flat. Which reminds me, I was going to charge it this evening.
Will and I tried briefly to get on Second Life again this evening, however it was down for maintenance a lot of the time and when we were able to log in, it was so unstable and crap that we gave up. I don't know how all those people stand it, I really don't. It's so annoying because if it wasn't so shite, it would have a lot of potential.
While talking to Will, he told me to take a look at AGS, which allows you to create point and click adventure games like the classic Monkey Island and Simon the Sorcerer titles. I had a quick play and it's pretty good. Heavy on the Magick was an old example of this, which I played a lot on the Amstrad CPC. The old text adventures were good too, I particularly enjoyed Leather Goddesses of Phobos, which was surreal and very funny in parts.
Typing this on Ubuntu 7.04, otherwise known as the 'Breezy Badger' release. Not quite sure about the peculiar animal codenames, but it's quite a nice OS. It's just downloaded shedloads of updates though, which is a pain. Unusually it's telling me that I need to reboot to apply them, an annoyance that you normally see on Windows.
Also DAMN Mini Pringles, they are far too addictive. Also it rained today so no walk in the evening to try and work some of it off.
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