Saturday 30 June 2007

Stupid weather

The weather today is hot, rainy, sunny and yuck. It's just annoying. Every time I decided to take the dog for a walk, it rained. So I compromised by taking him out across the fields, where we could hide under trees and things if it rained. Which it did. I also came across some fur and the part of the rabbit that things never eat, which explained the screaming I heard outside the back of the house early this morning. Presumably it was a fox or a cat.

Work yesterday was enlivened only by going out to see a councillor near Corwen. I hate going to places like that, I invariably get lost or something. In this case I found the house all right after taking a rather convoluted route, but there was no answer to the doorbell or my knocks. There was however a baby on the front step in a pram, so I phoned them up and said if there is a baby on your front doorstep, then I'm outside your house.

Last night was good though, went to Will's house and played some games with him and Lorna. We played a bit of Dead Rising, before going out to a cemetary and playing with his radio controlled dragonfly. It's quite interesting, but hard to control and exceptionally hard to get a good picture of. After that we experimented with some interesting music making while Lorna played Viva Pinata. Then there was a rather drawn out session of Red Steel death matches, which was great fun as always, with Lorna demonstrating her amazing (and ANNOYING) skill at headshots. Then spent some time mocking the Wii version of the Godfather game, which has about the same level of detail as a PSone game.

This is an interesting video
because he's playing a fretless piccolo bass strung upside down. Piccolo bass is where you put guitar gauge strings on, so it is in the same range as a guitar. I'd never seen a fretless one before though.

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