The main things I watched were Anchorman, Terminator 3 and Casino Royale. Anchorman is pretty decent and funny and Terminator 3 was suprisingly not a bad film, against all the odds. Casino Royale was a bit of a drag, this time I managed it in one sitting, mainly because while it was on I was paying most of my attention to designing a proper 2-string bass on my laptop.
Dog walks were uneventful.
Second Life was once again treated to the dynamic duo of myself and Will invading various areas. Will tends to go for the less subtle behaviours, and his avatar deviates wildly from the tall and beautiful people usually found, being a tiny squat dwarf with deformed features. His typical behaviour involves going into an area and throwing a fit with a huge object attached to him, the favourite being a giant cow being loved on by a bison, making a constant mooing sound. Best results are found in sex dungeons as giant mooing cows tend the spoil the amourous mood, though we were slightly disturbed by one guy who apparently wanted some guy on dwarf with bonking cows action. The image is of one of the adventures, I'm the unaturally skinny tuxedo clad guy in the foreground and the squat dwarf is Will.
Despite the many, many flaws of Second Life, including a serious memory leak which means the client rapidly consumes over 1gb RAM if left unattended, it has a strange appeal. There are some well put together places to visit in it, and it is possible to find areas which aren't focused on having badly animated glitchy sex.
Payday tomorrow! Yay. I'm going to get an Xbox Live subscription so Will and I can carry on Gears of War.
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