Friday 8 June 2007


Embarrassment can be summed up thusly: Emitting a loud and sturdy fart on what you think is a deserted country road, only to look up and see a woman walking towards you who has clearly heard it.

Work today was warm, frustrating and annoying, despite my jobs being lower than they have been for a while. It was a huge relief to get out of work this evening and take the dog out for a walk in the sunshine, although the incident referenced above was not fun.

Ars Technica went to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. It's frightening, absolutely frightening. There are so many things wrong that I can't even work out where to begin. Definitely check out the Flickr photoset.

Article here.
Link to Flickr Photoset here.

I can feel another rant coming on, so all I will say is that I strongly disapprove.

If anyone else read the Famous Five books when they were young, here is a list of the books with summaries and reviews and things. I came across this quite by accident, and it was rather weird to read about those old stories again.

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