Work was normal, typical day really. Once again people neglected to tell me anything about new starters or office moves, and then wondered why I was annoyed.
Took the dog for a walk, it rained. Didn't get too wet but it wasn't nice.
Spent most of the day with a mild but annoying headache and a sense of exhaustion for some strange reason. Also my nose is still bright red from Saturday and is peeling too.
A strang experience this evening. I went to put my trainers on when I was taking the dog out, and found that one of them had several unskinned peanuts in it. I haven't eaten peanuts like this for ages, and my Mum doesn't like peanuts at all, so where the hell did they come from? Perhaps a squirrel nicked them from a bird feeder and was looking for somewhere to put them?
The only good thing that happened today was that I remembered the bass line for Lithium which I haven't played for many years. Having said that, I haven't listened to Nevermind for a long time either.
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