For the first time in AGES I sat down and had a play with Bryce. It's a fun program, but not as good as a 'real' 3D program, such as Lightwave. I used Lightwave back in college, and I really like it. Sadly it's very expensive. The main problem with Bryce is that it isn't really geared towards modelling things, so making anything that isn't based around its default objects is quite hard and involves a lot of faffing around with booleans and stuff.
Anyway, my attempt to build a pretty, artistic bridge between two hills was a rather dismal failure, so I started again and ended up with epic platforms above an ocean. Just need to put something on them now, but not sure what.
I hate Ebay. I saw a Shine SB-56 6-string bass sat there with a starting bid of £50 with no bids and 10 minutes left, which was very cheap. Before I knew what I was doing, I'd put a bid on it and spend the next few minutes trying to justify it (the low B could come in useful, etc). With 16 seconds to go, I was still the high bidder but then refreshed to find that fortunately someone had put £51 on it and won it. Hurrah. I think I'm going to block Ebay on my router and throw away the password.
Who remembers Wesley Crusher from The Next Generation? Remember how he pretty much was the Jar Jar Binks of the Star Trek world? Wil Wheaton who played him has grown up into a geek who writes lots of interesting things, such as this list of books you must have read if you are a geek. I'm not as geeky as I thought, having only read 3 of the 5. His blog is pretty good too.
Still listening to the Trivium album. It took a couple of listens, but it's grown on me now, there are some excellent tracks on it.
Also Windows Media Player is one of the worst pieces of fetid buttock shite I have ever encountered.
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