Thursday 12 July 2007

An unexpected detour

A colleague and I had to go to Llandrindod Wells to go to a conference thing about Citrix and other joys. All well and good until we got hopelessly lost halfway there. However we eventually found our way via a very scenic route and made it there fashionably late. It was reasonably interesting, and the lunch was good, and you even got a free backpack. The journey back was uneventful on the whole.

Lots of exciting news from E3. The Wii Zapper has been announced, Wii Fit and Also Mario Kart Wii, all of which look great. Especially Wii Fit with the sensor pad it uses. Might look into getting that and trying to lose some weight.

In other news the PSP has had a redesign to make it thinner and load games quicker, but otherwise looks identical. Not much incentive to upgrade, especially as it has firmware 4.00 which is surely designed to prevent homebrew even more.

This is quite cool
, a desktop management program being used to deploy network boot images of various operating systems to 150 PCs and controlling each one at the same time. Must have taken a while to set it up but the effect is quite impressive with 150 machines rebooting at the same time.

Got some new slippers. My old ones were falling apart and they are a bit of a necessity on slate floors if you don't want to have freezing feet.

Just loaded up Second Life for the first time in a while. First it complained, saying I needed to update it, and the automatic update failed as soon as I tried. After updating manually and logging in, it threw me out saying the region I was in had logged me out. After logging in again, while trying to find somewhere else, my camera view suddenly hurtled in the sky and stuck there, and I was unable to move or teleport. So I quit, thinking if I go back in yet again, all will be well. But no, it informs me snottily that my login failed and I won't be allowed back in for five minutes. So basically it was punishing me for glitches and bugs that were not my fault. Once the 5 minutes were up, login worked, and then my character appeared on a random beach. Tried to teleport somewhere, which failed and then the avatar vanished. The ground vanished and that was it. No movement, no nothing, just some disembodied conversation from people somewhere nearby. Quit/reload and again, the account is disabled for five minutes. What a load of cack.

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