Anyway, I expected that he'd play with it and get bored and leave it, like he used to. Unfortunately he actually ate the whole thing. He wouldn't let me get near him to take him away from it so I just had to leave him to it, and wait for him to finish. It was rather gory and I have an unpleasant image of the rabbit's ears sticking out of the side of his mouth as he finished it off.
And of course half an hour later he threw it all up again on his bed. Argh! I'm not as squeamish as I used to be, but urgh, what a mess. Oh well, I suppose he had a blast, it's what his breeding and training have made him and I don't think the urge to chase and kill small furry things will ever leave him. Anyway, it's a good thing, there are FAR too many rabbits running around at the moment.
I'm just glad now he has the sense to NOT go running off while on the lead, he nearly took my arm off a few times in the early days.
Lesson learnt today the hard way. If you are setting up a cron job on AIX, don't accidentally type crontab -r instead of crontab -e or you'll obliterate the whole cron schedule. Typically Unix doesn't even warn you either. Yay backups!
Some Rammstein videos, which are always entertaining although probably not safe for work:
Amerika, which is interesting
Sonne, Snow White is scary
Rosenrot, which is weird
Mein Teil, weirder and based on the Armin Meiwes cannibal case.
Then there's Du Hast, which is the first Rammstein song I ever heard and is on the Matrix soundtrack, and Engel, which is my all time favourite Rammstein song. The English version is a little weird though, and so is the English version of Du Hast. Doesn't sound right...
And finally the Winnie the Pooh version of Ich Will, which is genius!
Or how about some Eisbrecher, with Vergissmeinnicht, an amazing song.
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