The Scrabble was OK. The second game was a bit poor even with the 20 point bonus for swearwords. Possibley the best game like this was some time last year when Em managed to put 'quim' on a triple word score, which earned her an insane amount of points. The final board for that game can be seen in the attached image.
Today I went to Rhyl and took a look at the car boots as the weather was good. Nothing particularly interesting so I went into the Games Exchange and had a look at the Xbox 360 games. I picked up Test Drive Unlimited and Viva Pinata. So far I've only played Test Drive Unlimited and it's quite decent. The cars are good but the various people in the game are right in the Uncanny Valley. Especially the woman who sits in the car with you when you test drive a car. While I was in the Games Exchange, some guy from GameStation came in and it was quite interesting. They seem to have a friendly rivalry going on between them. I quite like GameStation, mainly because they have a nice retro thing going on. When I looked in there, they had a load of stuff for the Neo Geo Pocket, a really underrated handheld.
Loud cars are only acceptable if they are actually powerful, a Saxo with a 1.0 litre engine and a loud exhaust is pointless. Whilst in Rhyl I walked past a Maserati as the owner started it. What a noise...it was amazing. Bizarrely enough that exact same car was available to test drive in the game, which was fun. The engine sound was spot on too.
I also picked up I, Robot on DVD for £3. It's not really all that good, and nothing like a proper Asimov story. It has elements from Little Lost Robot in parts, but on the whole it's not all that good.
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