After he got out of the bath, I took him for a walk to dry off, which was fairly dull. Fortunately it didn't rain, though it came quite close.
I got 'The Crusade' by Trivium. I got the album they did before this one, and it was quite good. What persuaded me to get this one was that the singer actually sings instead of screaming. Having listened to a couple of tracks, it is very reminiscent of early Metallica, which can't be a bad thing.
The attached image is of a terrifying bass. It is a double neck 7-string made by Conklin, a custom maker of guitars and basses. The top neck is fretted and the bottom is fretless, and the top of the body has got many different woods. It's absolutely amazing to look at, but it must be a bear to play. A simple 1951 Fender Precision Reissue would suit me fine - four strings, one pickup and two knobs. I did experiment briefly with a 6-string bass last year, but it wasn't really my thing and I traded it for my current Squier Precision. I wish now I'd just bought the Squier without trading the 6-string, it could have been useful.
Contrary to a few posts back, I had some sort of brain implosion and watched the Matrix Reloaded. Well, I say watched, it was on in the background for a while as I did other things. There are the faintest glimmerings of a good film in there. I like some of the ideas behind the talky talky bits, but they are expressed so boringly and some of the action bits are so over the top. And what is the point of the rave/orgy bit? Some of the music is quite good though.
Not sure if I can face the next one. What it needs is for the guy who did the Phantom Edit to get rid of ALL the shite from Reloaded and Revolutions and make it into one, compact, decent film.
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