Thursday 26 July 2007

Hideous work days

Yesterday and today in work were hell on toast. Thanks to an untested security program being deployed on the network, s significant number of machines went down. Because of this I spent far too long trying to sort them out. It was really annoying.

I spent this evening around at my sister's house. I haven't seen her in a while. A few weeks ago I got a message from her saying she and her husband were splitting up and then another saying they were trying to work things out. They are still together at the moment but she seems to have changed rather. It was a good evening, we went out and got Chinese food, watched some awful TV and looked at each other's photos of recent events. She was interested in the ones from Berlin in March because she couldn't make it there. All in all it was a really good evening.

Other than that, not much to report. I slept like crap last night, woke up at about 2:00am and couldn't sleep until about 4:30am. The Discovery had it's exhaust done, 77 quid all in, which isn't too bad. It is significantly quieter now.

It's nearly the weekend. I can't wait. Then I'm down in Birmingham for 2 days doing Disaster Recovery testing. Should be a laff.

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