Went to see a house that someone I used to work with bought with her fiance. It's a 3 bedroom semi in the middle of Ruthin. It's really nice, or it will be with a little work. It used to be owned by an elderly lady and you can tell. But it's completely sound and very roomy. I think it set them back just over £135,000. By far the best thing in it was a newspaper from 1987, where we found an enthralling review of the new MG Montego! The property pages were unbelievably depressing, a house like that one was a mere £24,000.
Also headed up to the friendly neighbourhood Land Rover specialist. Luckily they have a suitable exhaust section in stock for £48, which isn't bad. It's going in on Thursday morning to have that sorted out. Also managed to blag some brake fluid to top up the reservoir. I also really need to get it clean underneath and put on some underseal, but the weather really isn't helping.
The sheep are back on our fields, annoyingly. They make noises, and cough like people, and mean that The Dog can't chase rabbits in case he decides sheep are more fun. Also the gates have to be closed.
And that's about it for today other than the ludicrous floods that don't seem to be going away. It's insane! It's interesting how the BBC Have Your Say page about the floods rapidly degenerated into two basic arguments - South vs North and 4x4 drivers vs everyone else.
The pic is of a car that made me chuckle, it's a MkII Golf with a VR6 engine, chameleon paint and a roof chop. It's been vandalised and is therefore cheap. Looks funny though.
Also Craig now has a blog. Hurrah!
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