Sunday 12 August 2007

The Battle

I braced myself. I knew this wasn't going to be easy. My enemies were in front of me. They showed no fear of the blades I brandished, they were too numerous. For far too long they had been left to their own devices, and they had grown and spread. I faced them for a moment and then, with a roar, attacked. It was bedlam, I was surrounded by them, clinging and scratching. It looked like I would be overwhelmed, but after an hour, I was victorious. The ground was scattered with the corpses of my enemies, which I piled into a wagon and left in the fields for burning.

Or, in other words, I had a go at the plants outside the house which had become rather overgrown.

After that spent the afternoon walking the dog, and recovering from my exertions and watched a peculiar French film called 'Confusion des Genres' which is really not very good. It succeeds in making all the main characters so unlikeable that you don't care what happens to them. After that and the let-down that was Transformers earlier in the week, I felt the need to watch a good film, so I rewatched Hot Fuzz, which is excellent. I think it ranks equally to Shaun of the Dead.

Also listened to more In Extremo stuff. Interesting stuff it must be said.

Once again typing this on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. Installed a shedloads of updates and my gripes about cursor speed in Firefox remain present.

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