Work was dull, the highlight of the day was installing seven 24" screens for some of the CAD users. Really decent displays.
Played badminton this evening. Didn't play too badly, and managed to get some good shots in against the object of my hatred. Also I plonked a shuttle in her face, genuinely by accident, but it was quite funny. She was her typical self, and once gave me a really disdainful look after I missed a shot. Oh well. Also on the way there, some gimp pulled out in front of me. I had to slam on my brakes, but not enough to skid. At least they were decent enough to wave after I beeped at them.
In an odd state of mind right now. I feel somehow that I've missed out on things. Basically everyone I know is getting married and/or having kids and have their own houses. I'm stuck living with my Mum at nearly 30, which is humiliating.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Instead of renting a flat back in 2003, I should have bought a house when I might have been able to afford one. Now I'm completely priced out of the market. Even renting is outrageously expensive, no reason why I couldn't rent again, but it wouldn't be the right way to go right now. My salary isn't going anywhere at this point either.
The problem is I'm basically shit with money and willpower. I'll become fixated on an idea, which will usually be pointless and stupid (e.g, buying a rusty Mercedes for £400) and eventually will realise that it's a very stupid thing to do. The problem arises when I don't realise it in time to avoid spending money or wasting a lot of time on it. The Discovery comes into this category, but it has survived 18 months of the track where a normal car probably wouldn't, so that does kind of justify it.
I have also realised that I like things for the wrong reasons. I like to play with computers and build them, but once built, I don't really do anything with them. The same goes for basses, I like to pull them apart and tinker with them more than actually playing them. That probably isn't a bad thing, but becauseI tend to never get rid of anything, it means I have a LOT of stuff lying around that I never use. For example, this double neck bass is on Ebay UK right now. What on earth would I do with a double neck? I can't even play a fretless! Fortunately it looks like it'll go for quite a lot so I won't bother bidding on it, but that's the kind of thing that causes me problems.
Damn it. Why am I so shit?
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