Saturday 18 August 2007

Rugby, Family Guy and Wii

Went into town this morning for no real reason other than to check my bank balance after payday. I've been a good boy this month so it was reasonable. All I need now is for the Discovery to spring an unexpected repair on me or something though.

After that went to Andy's to watch the rugby with him, Rob, Em and Vicky. I know very little about the game so I have to go by other people's reactions. Mind you it can't have been all that interesting since Em fell asleep shortly after the second half started. But after the disastrous game a couple of weeks ago, Wales actually won - yay. After that finished, we watched a lot of Family Guy, some awful 80's music videos and played a bit of Wii. Oh, and ate a lot of Pringles, garlic dip and pizza. Fun.

I like Family Guy but sometimes it's a bit too weird and random. But this clip is very funny, just for the bit at the end.

There's a thing described on a bass forum I read sometimes called GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome and I think I'm a bad case. I was learning some bass lines and a few of them need a 5-string bass. It's not impossible to play them on a 4-string, you can detune the bottom E or play the notes an octave higher, but why shouldn't that stop me from getting a 5-string. I'm so shit when it comes to money and willpower.

Must resist...The Purge must continue...

Also fan fiction can be very disturbing. Someone actually wrote stories about the members of In Extremo randomly deciding to have sex with each other for no apparent reason. Quite apart from the fact that none of them are apparently gay, it's pretty creepy to write this kind of stuff about actual living people. Just...bleugh.

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