The day was also made interesting by two selfish people who made a parking space nearly unusable. It was the only one free in the car park because the gap was so narrow. After some calculations, I worked out I could get the Discovery in, but not be able to open the doors. Luckily though, the rear door has a handle on the inside, so after a bit of climbing, I was able to get out. Sadly neither of the people had moved their cars by the time I went back to the car, but I did get a photo which I'm tempted to post on the noticeboard in work. It looks like the BMW mirror is touching, but there was an inch clearance between it and the Discovery.
Despite my resolution that I am trying to save as much as possible, I was unable to resist a cute little bass I saw on Ebay. It's a 3/4 size one meant for kids and has the same scale length as a guitar. It's made by Tanglewood and is somewhat poetically called an 'Elfin Bass'. The strings on it were crap so I put guitar strings on it, making it in effect a four string guitar that plays like a bass. It's really fun and though it's a cheapy thing, it has a mahogany body and a really good sound. I'm planning on getting rid of one of the other basses which I don't use to some guy who is collecting instruments for a kids music centre.
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